January Goals

My Goals for January

The Year Has Officially Begun… Sort Of

And what better way to kick off the new year than waking up to a migraine and the period from hell? Truly iconic. If this isn’t the universe telling me to take it easy, I don’t know what is. So here I am, cocooned in my trusty heated blanket (an MVP of winter) and deciding that this first week is a "planning week" (as if I didn’t plan enough in the previous 2 months. Well apparently you didn’t plan enough because this period wasn’t included).

Let’s be honest—there’s no rush (There’s no rush, there’s no rush, there’s no rush). The chaos of the holidays hasn’t even fully settled, and the kids are still home, bringing their own little brand of joy and destruction. I’ve made an executive decision to officially start my new year on January 7th. That’s when the kids are back in school, my body will (hopefully) stop revolting, and I can actually focus on my January goals without distractions.

In the meantime, I’ve got a few smaller goals to keep me motivated while I’m in my blanket burrito:

  • Reading Challenge: January is all about The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King for my fantasy fix and Never Lie as my current audiobook (it’s also the start of my 2025 ABC Reading Challenge). But I’ve also got my eye on Ice Breaker for a cozy winter romance (also a part of the challenge), and maybe another fantasy or two to round out the month. Suggestions are welcome!

  • Sourdough Starter Project: Yes, I’m going to make a sourdough starter, and no, I’m not mentally prepared for it. The thought alone is stressing me out, but it’s been on my to-do list forever. This is the month it happens. Probably. Maybe. 

For now, I’m using this downtime to:

  1. Map out my steps for the month (a fancy way of saying I’m scribbling lists everywhere).

  2. Write bits and pieces for the blog (like this one!)

  3. Mentally prepare myself for 2025 because if this first day is any indication, it’s going to be a year.

If you’re also easing into the new year at your own pace, just know—you’re not alone. The real productivity will come. For now, let’s toast to baby steps, heated blankets, ambitious sourdough starters, and letting January 7th be our true new year, new me moment.

Now, on to the bigger goals that I have for the month, that will help complete my goals for the entire year.

1. Get the Cabin Some Propane Love

Because (believe it or not) shivering isn’t chic, and I’d like to use the cabin before the end of the year without turning into an icicle. The propane tank is empty, and I need to figure out if it can be refilled or if it’s beyond saving. Either way, heating the place is priority #1. Bonus: no frostbite.

How I’ll Accomplish This Goal:
I’ll channel my inner HGTV star and refinish furniture to sell on Facebook Marketplace. Two nightstands are already in progress, with three larger pieces waiting to join the makeover party. If all goes well, I’ll have enough cash (anywhere between $600 - $1200) to make the cabin cozy before the month’s over.

2. Spread the Word (and My Real Estate Cards)

Because no one’s going to buy a house from me if they don’t know I exist. As a rookie real estate agent, I need to get my name out there or risk being my only client.

How I’ll Accomplish This Goal:
I’ll charm my way into 2–4 open houses this month (really it’s not that hard, they need help holding open houses every weekend), where I’ll strategically sprinkle my business cards like real estate confetti. Fingers crossed, I walk away with a few leads or even a sale. At the very least, I’ll practice my “Can I sell you a house?” face in the mirror. Bonus: If no one shows up, I can work on my novel in a strangers house.

3. Second Draft, Part 1: The Sequel

Because I promised myself I’d be an author this year, and the book isn’t going to magically write and edit itself. The first draft was fun, but now it’s time to roll up my sleeves and dive into the messy world of rewrites.

How I’ll Accomplish This Goal:
Three days a week, I’ll sit down, stare at my manuscript, and crank out 5,000 words of rewrites. Coffee will be involved. And probably tears. But by the end of the month, this draft will be shiny and new—or at least less embarrassing.

4. Puff Quilts Galore

I have *anxiety* and I want a big, fluffy quilt to burrito myself into, and my amazing neighbors, Rachel and Nathaly, deserve something special for being, well, amazing. Plus, quilting is great stress relief—until you start sewing squares backward.

How I’ll Accomplish This Goal:
Step 1: Buy fabric without breaking the bank.
Step 2: Cut ALL the squares while binge-watching TV (will it be Supernatural? Will it be Squid Games? Or will it be something different?)

Step 3: Record everything for social postings (if I don’t post it, it didn’t happen, right?)
Step 3: Sew, puff, repeat.
I’ll pace myself to finish by the end of the month, but let’s be real: there’s a 50% chance I’ll be stitching at midnight on January 31st.

5. Gain Blog & Social Media Fame (or at Least a Follower or Two)

I just launched my blog, and I’d like someone other than myself to look at it. The goal? More eyes on my content, even if they’re just curious clicks.

How I’ll Accomplish This Goal:
Consistency is key. Here’s the plan:

  • Blog: Two posts a week (10 total).

  • Social Media: Three posts weekly on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest.

  • Pinterest Bonus: Pin 50 other things because apparently, that’s how Pinterest works.

Also, I’ll work on filming in public without feeling like everyone’s judging me. Spoiler: They’re not.

6. Sew My Own Clothes (Because Why Not?)

I want clothes that I love without spending my entire paycheck. Sewing also reminds me of the good old days with my grandma, and I could use a bit of that wholesome energy right now.

How I’ll Accomplish This Goal:
First, I’ll finish a puff quilt, because sewing squares is good practice. Then, I’ll make two skirts and maybe a hoodie for me and my partner. The hardest part? Picking fabric and resisting the urge to buy it all.

7. Speak Spanish Like a Pro (or at Least Like a Beginner)

My wonderful Venezuelan neighbors, Nathaly and her family, speak little English, and my Spanish is... bueno-ish. We rely on translation apps, which is fine until we’re in the middle of nowhere with no Wi-Fi.

How I’ll Accomplish This Goal:
Four hours a week of Spanish practice. That’s it. I’ll squeeze it in between quilt squares and TikTok takes. And who knows? By next Christmas, maybe I’ll be able to say more than “Dónde está el baño?”

And that’s it! These are the goals I’m focusing on this January to help set the tone for the rest of the year. Remember, the key to achieving any goal is consistency—whether that means taking it one month, one week, or even one day at a time. Whatever pace works best for you is the right pace.

I’m confident that I can tackle these goals, and I’m cheering for you to conquer yours too. Let’s make this the year we show up for ourselves and prove that, with a little persistence, anything is possible. We’ve got this!

Now, tell me what your goals are for the month or for the year, and how you plan on accomplishing said goals!


How to Set Goals for 2025